General Rules for

Visitors and Lot Owners

Hours of Operation: DAILY 8am until 6pm

You are welcome to visit the historic cemetery during normal hours. Please maintain proper decorum and respect the feelings of families and friends of those who are buried here.

1. Conduct of Visitors to the Quaker Burying Ground

  • Children accompanied by an adult are welcome.

  • Drive carefully and obey the 10 mph speed limit.

  • No dogs are allowed in the cemetery.

  • Anyone causing disturbances or committing acts of vandalism will be prosecuted.

2. Purchasing Lots and Cemetery Services

Information about burial sites and costs is available at the cemetery office. Lots can only be purchased through a representative of the Quaker Cemetery Association, Inc., not directly from current lot owners.

  • Full payment for the lot and its perpetual care is required before a deed is granted.

  • Only Association employees can open and close graves. Fees must be paid beforehand.

  • A fee schedule is available by appointment at the cemetery office.

3. Decorations, Plantings, and Improvements

To maintain the cemetery's appearance and utility, the Board of Directors has set rules for decorations, plantings, and improvements. For questions, please contact the cemetery office.

  • Starting July 1, 2024: artificial flowers, windmills, plastic bottles/cans, and plastic/foam items are discouraged.

  • Starting January 1, 2025: discouraged items will be removed monthly.

  • Real flowers are encouraged but will be removed if they become unsightly. Holiday flowers should be removed within 30 days after the holiday.

  • Artificial turf, gravel, crushed stone, or similar materials as plot coverings are not permitted. Monuments may not be painted or sealed.

  • Contact the cemetery office for approval of structures like mausoleums. Copings, walls, and fences must be made of granite, brick, or wrought iron and meet specific size and design requirements.

  • Planting trees, shrubs, and groundcovers requires Board approval. The cemetery office can provide recommendations for appropriate plants.

4. Care of Lots and Improvements

As of January 2024, all lots are cared for by cemetery staff under perpetual care arrangements. Lot owners, friends, or family members can maintain their own lots but are not required. Cemetery personnel cannot be privately employed for work on cemetery grounds. Only hand-held hoses may be used for watering; sprinkler systems are not allowed.

  • Perpetual care includes mowing, edging, and raking leaves. It does not cover trees or large plantings, nor maintenance of existing walls, fences, monuments, and similar improvements, which are the owner's responsibility.

  • Unsightly or dangerous structures may be removed at the owner's expense. Costs for pruning, treating, or removing trees due to disease or storm damage may be borne by lot owners.

  • Building well-designed and constructed walls and fences to enclose family burying places is allowed. Plans must be submitted to cemetery management at least 30 days before construction begins for prior approval. Permission will not be withheld without good reason. A deposit equal to the cost of the improvements is required for the perpetual care fund, allowing the Association responsible for maintenance.